On-Line access to eCourse:
- Complete Course in On-Line Downloadable format accessible for three months.
- Study Guides at the beginning of each Lesson
- Detailed pdf text for those who want more than a high level view of importing
- Essential Reading - "Importing Into The United States"
- Quizzes to test your progress
- Answer keys to all lesson quizzes
- Numerous Government Directives and Notices, and Web Links
- Learning Center Access for 3 months
- Contact us for a "Guest Pass" to the "Learning Center"
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Basics eCourse: $65 - Special Note: Copyright is 2017. Contact us to receive the Registration Link for Basics eCourse.
A Complete Introduction To Importing
The Basics of Importing ( © 1989-2017 Ro Leaphart ) explains in detail how to import commodities into the United States, from the original financial negotiation to Customs' record-keeping requirements. This independent study course presents the full foundation of importing, with an emphasis on U.S. Customs Service requirements and practical procedural applications. An introduction to the Customs Regulations and Harmonized Tariff Schedules is also included. Additional assignments are presented for those who are considering customs brokerage as a career or who want to begin the process of gaining knowledge for the licensing exam.
Guided Lesson Study
There are six lessons, each prefaced with a lesson study guide section. The study guide is divided into two levels:
- Primary assignment - this comprises the core reading for anyone who wants to understand the Basics of Importing through U.S. Customs.
- Additional assignment - this portion of the lesson study includes reading assignments in the Customs Regulations and introductions to different parts of the Harmonized Tariff. To complete the additional assignments, you can utilize on-line versions of the 19 CFR and the Harmonized Tariff.
Numerous Lesson quizzes are supplied to thoroughly test your understanding.
Additional References Needed
If you plan to continue from The Basics of Importing to a CHB Exam Prep course as preparation for the U.S. government licensing exam, you will want to complete both the Primary and Additional Assignment sections for each lesson. You may also want to purchase hard copy of the US Customs Regulations and Harmonized Tariff as required by the US Customs Brokers Examination you plan to take.
For your reference, see: SPRING 2024 Exam Shopping List: Regs, HTS, 19 USC, 19 CFR 200-End, and Other Supplies
The Basics of Importing or an equivalent knowledge level is necessary if you are planning to take our CHB Exam Prep course.